How to simulated camera pictures in kik

Kik is a very famous instant messaging application available free of cost for Android and iOS smartphones. The easy-to-employ interface and privacy take made this app one of the about popular instant messaging app. Like Whatsapp, information technology non merely uses your contacts only information technology as well connects yous with random strangers throughout the globe. Yous can join or create your own public and individual groups on kik.

In this commodity, nosotros volition tell you different methods to simulated gallery pictures as camera pictures. We promise you will use these methods for innocent purposes only or for playing pranks with friends and not for catfishing.

best kik mods

It is very easy to use different methods for sending fake camera pictures or videos in kik conversation. For this purpose, you lot demand to take whatever of the following mentioned modded kik apps installed on your smartphone. Modded kik is the application that uses the kik messengers platform for sending and receiving messages. The modded app tin can requite you improve speed, more features, unlock locked features, more than conversation themes, and many more.

Bluish KIK

fake camera kik

  1. First of all download blue kik from here.
  2. Install the application file. (Don't forget to enable installation from third-party sites through settings.)
  3. Sign in to the blue kik app using kik username and passwords.
  4. At present Become to settings > Blueish mods > Media > Fake Camera.
  5. Choose from Pictures and Videos that you desire to ship equally a fake camera to another user.
  6. Now go dorsum to the user conversation with whom you want to send faux camera pictures.
  7. Click on the gallery icon in the chat options.
  8. Choose the picture or video you want to send.
  9. Now click on the send button and your picture or video will be sent as the simulated photographic camera.
  10. Don't forget to turn off the false camera characteristic by repeating the 4th step.

You lot tin also enable per conversation options. It is easy to plow on or off false photographic camera pictures in Blue kik app through the per conversation option.

Lynx Remix

fake camera kik

  1. First of all download the Lynx Remix application from here.
  2. Install the awarding file. (Don't forget to enable installation from third-party sites through settings.)
  3. Sign in to the Lynx Remix app using kik username and passwords.
  4. Now Click on the lynx remix icon on the correct upper corner beside the settings icon.
  5. Now click on Media options.
  6. Cull Gallery moving picture or Gallery Video.
  7. Now select the fake camera. (You can likewise select disable frontwards and disable save options.)
  8. Now go back to the user conversation with whom you want to transport fake camera pictures.
  9. Click on the gallery icon in the chat options.
  10. Choose the motion-picture show or video you want to transport.
  11. Now click on the send button and your picture or video will be sent every bit the false camera.
  12. Don't forget to plow off the false camera feature by repeating the fourth pace.

Note: Y'all can likewise enable per chat options. Information technology is easy to plow on or off fake camera pictures in Lynx kik app through the per conversation pick.


fake camera kik

  1. First of all download the Pikek kik app from hither.
  2. Install the awarding file. (Don't forget to enable installation from tertiary-party sites through settings.)
  3. Sign in to the Pikek app using kik username and passwords.
  4. Now Go to settings > Pikek Settings > Media > Imitation Camera.
  5. Turn on the simulated camera option. Now gallery volition be sent as live media.
  6. Now get back to the user conversation with whom you want to send fake camera pictures.
  7. Click on the gallery icon in the chat options.
  8. Cull the pic or video you lot want to send.
  9. At present click on the send push button and your motion-picture show or video will be sent as the fake camera.
  10. Don't forget to turn off the false camera feature by repeating the Fourth footstep.

Note: You lot tin can besides enable per chat options. It is easy to turn on or off fake camera pictures in the pikek kik app through the per conversation option.


fake camera kik

  1. First of all download the Nullkik app from here.
  2. Install the awarding file. (Don't forget to enable installation from 3rd-party sites through settings.)
  3. Sign in to the Nullkik app using kik username and passwords.
  4. Now Get to settings > Nullkik Settings > Preferences > Fake Camera.
  5. Turn on the false camera option. Now gallery will be sent every bit live media.
  6. Now go back to the user conversation with whom y'all want to send fake camera pictures.
  7. Click on the gallery icon in the chat options.
  8. Cull the picture or video you want to send.
  9. Now click on the ship button and your flick or video volition be sent every bit the false camera.
  10. Don't forget to turn off the false camera characteristic past repeating the Fourth step.

Past following the above-mentioned steps you tin easily turn on or off the fake photographic camera option in kik. If you need farther help, our team is ready for you lot.

Click hither to see the All-time Modded kik apps for you.