
How To Draw A Security Camera

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Leica is considered i of the most prestigious camera brands. In this tutorial, we will describe one of the nearly notable Leica cameras in Photoshop, the Leica M1. Let's get started!

Pace 1: Background and Floor

Make new file (Command/Ctrl + N) and set up its size to 110 × 700 px. Actuate gradient tool. Set its style to radial from #f5f5f5 to #c4c5c4.

Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop

Step 2

Duplicate layer by pressing Command/Ctrl + J. Hit Command/Ctrl + T to transform it. Pull upper handle down to catechumen information technology into a floor.

Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop

Step 3

On layers panel, click Add Layer Mask icon to add together layer mask. Paint upper mask with black until it fades onto the groundwork.

Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop

Pace 4: Basic Shape

Open Paths panel. Click new path icon. Use pen tool to draw camera basic path.

Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop

Step v

Grab a leather texture from Pattern Instruct freebies section. Below, we apply Leather Texture 04 from the collection.

Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop

Step vi

Current leather color doesn't fit the camera appearance. We need to change its colour to gray. Add together new adjustment layer Hue/Saturation and apply below settings.

Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop

This is the result after nosotros add Hue/Saturation.

Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop

Step 7

Copy basic camera path and place it on top of the leather texture.

Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop

Step 8

Select leather texture and adjustment layer. Hit Command/Ctrl + G to identify them within a grouping layer. Click Layer > Vector Mask > Current Path. The leather texture is now goes inside the path. From this indicate onward until Stride 29, make certain to place all new layer inside this group layer.

Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop

Step nine: Metallic Parts

Indistinguishable camera path. Click Layer > New Fill Layer > Solid Colour. Select color #9ebec5. Add together a rectangular path on centre of the path. Modify its bottom side to turn it into a bend. Set its mode to Subtract. Add a rectangular path and fix its way to Add to Shape. See flick below to come across the shape that you demand to make.

Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop

Add together Layer Way Bevel and Emboss and Gradient Overlay.

Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop

Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop

This is the result we have. This shape is going to exist metallic function of the photographic camera.

Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop

Footstep 10

In Layers panel, Command/Ctrl-click layer shape to brand new pick based on its shape.

Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop

Stride eleven

Make new layer. Fill selection with black.

Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop

Step 12

Soften it by adding Gaussian Blur (Filter > Blur > Gaussian Mistiness).

Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop

Step 13

Hit Command/Ctrl + [ to place the layer under previous layer shape. Motility the shadow down a few pixel.

Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop

Step 14

Make new layer and and so actuate brush tool. Manually, pigment black as shadows on left and right side of the photographic camera.

Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop

Step 15

Repeat previous step, this time use white for highlights. We want to identify the source light on left side of the camera. Then, describe a white line on left side of the camera. Use eraser tool with 0% hardness and 20% opacity to erase highlights on its leather texture.

Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop

Stride 16

Reduce layer Opacity to 10%. This is enough to add subtle highlight onto the camera.

Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop

Stride 17

Add together some other highlight on correct side of the camera using same technique. This time fix its Opacity to lower than 10%. Recollect that highlight on left side needs to be more stronger because the low-cal source is placed on acme left side too.

Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop

Footstep 18

Control/Ctrl-click camera main path to make new choice based on its shape.

Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop

Step nineteen

Make new layer. Click Edit > Stroke. Select black equally its color with width 2 px.

Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop

Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop

Step 20

Deselect by pressing Command/Ctrl + D. Click Filter > Blur > Gaussian Blur to soften the line. Use soft eraser to erase parts of the line. This line will exist shadows on camera's edge.

Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop

Step 21

Let's echo previous, simply this fourth dimension for highlight on the metal part. Control/Ctrl-click metal part layer to make new selection. make new layer. Click Edit > Stroke and choose white color. Remove option and and so soften it using Gaussian Blur.

Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop

Stride 22

Utilize Eraser tool to erase some part of the highlight line.

Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop

Step 23: Add Metal Texture

Make new layer and so make full it with white. Click Edit > Fill up, select white colour and then click OK. Click Filter > Noise > Add Noise.

Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop

Stride 24

Click Filter > Mistiness > Motion Blur. Set angle to 0° with very big distance size.

Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop

Step 25

Change layers alloy mode to Overlay and reduce its Opacity.

Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop

Step 26: Add Highlights

Let's add some soft highlights onto the camerea. Activate Brush tool and set its Opacity to 40%. Change background color to white. Make new layer and and so draw minor highlights on tiptop left of the camera. Don't worry if the result looks too crude. Soften it by applying Gaussian Blur (Filter > Mistiness > Gaussian Blur).

Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop

Repeat this steps on other areas of the photographic camera.

Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop

Footstep 27

Brand new and paint shadow on left side of the camera. Brand sure to utilize a big and soft castor.

Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop

Pace 28

Make new layer. Describe big shadow on right side of the camera. Reduce layer Opacity until the result is natural.

Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop

Step 29: Lens

Brand a new split group for drawing lenses. Draw a thin rounded rectangle with color #add9e7. Select shape using Path Selection tool and hit Command/Ctrl + Alt + T to duplicate and transform it. In the pick bar, gear up angle to two°.

Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop

Make sure the new path is selected. Striking Command/Ctrl + Shift + Alt + One thousand to repeat the transformation. Go along doing this until we accept a full circumvolve shape.

Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop

Add Drop Shadow and Outer Glow with following settings.

Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop

Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop

Step 30

Repeat previous steps, but this time depict a black rectangle with angle 5°.

Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop

Reduce layers Opacity to ten%. Hit Control/Ctrl + [ to move the layer down and identify information technology under previous circle shape.

Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop

Stride 31

Make new layer on top of circle shape. Dab white and black on its border using a soft large brush. Hit Command/Ctrl + Alt + G to convert the layer into a Clipping Mask. This mode, the pixels volition goes inside the shape.

Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop

Step 32

Draw bigger circle behind the lens and lines. Apply #a2cedc for its colour.

Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop

Douible click layer and activate Gradient Overlay with post-obit settings.

Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop

Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop

Stride 33

Make new layer correct above the circle and dab white and blackness using soft large brush. Convert the layer to Clipping Mask (Control/Ctrl + Alt + G).

Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop

Pace 34

Depict a circle shape with color #202323. Make new layer and dab white on its right side. Convert layer to Clipping Mask by pressing Control/Ctrl + Alt + M.

Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop

Footstep 35

Draw smaller circle with color #1b1c1e. Make new layer, convert it to Clipping mask and then dab black and white on its edge.

Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop

Step 36

You should now understand the procedure. Repeat this a few times until we get a consummate set of circles inside the lens.

Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop

Step 37

Describe smaller circle again with color #0f0c14.

Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop

Add subtle Gradient Overlay.

Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop

Stride 38

Draw a modest circle with color #111010.

Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop

Footstep 39

Draw a big circle roofing whole lens. You can use whatsoever color for this shape.

Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop

Double click layer shape and add subtle Gradient Overlay with Opacity 11% from black to white.

Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop

Reduce Fill layer to 0%. This manner, nosotros can reveal the lens and add subtle gradient on peak of it.

Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop

Footstep 40

Draw a rounded rectangle. Select the path using Path Choice Tool. Hitting Command/Ctrl + Alt + T to indistinguishable and transform the shape. Alt-drag transformation reference point and identify it on center of the lens. Rotate the shape for 30°.

Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop

Step 41

Repeat the procedure past pressing Control/Ctrl + Shift + Alt + T. Encounter picture below to encounter the upshot.

Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop

Add layer way Inner Glow and Gradient Overlay.

Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop

Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop

Step 42

Reduce Opacity to forty% and Make full to 0%.

Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop

Stride 43

Place the layer on top of pocket-sized circumvolve shape we made in Step 37. Catechumen layer to Clipping Mask by pressing Command/Ctrl + Alt + G. Split each path into split layers.

Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop

This what we will take afterwards we split each path into dissever layer shape.

Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop

Step 44

Allow's add highlights inside the lens. Make new layer and place it in a higher place all layers. Use soft brush to draw white spot on the lens. Don't worry is the issue is very harsh, we tin can set up it easily.

Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop

Stride 45

Add together Gaussian Mistiness to soften the highlight we have just manually fatigued.

Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop

Step 46

Draw a circle shape covering the lens.

Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop

Add layer style Gradient Overlay. Set its fashion to radial from blackness to white.

Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop

This is the issue. Change Fill layer to 0% to reveal the lens underneath the shape.

Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop

Step 47

Make a new layer. Draw a circular selection on venter of the lens and fill it with black.

Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop

Stride 48

Click FIlter > Return > Lens Flare.

Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop

Alter layer'south blend fashion to Screen and reduce Opacity to xix%.

Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop

Pace 49

Draw a circular path using ellipse tool.

Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop

Step l

Activate Blazon tool and click right on the path. Call back to do it exactly on the path, not inside or exterior the path. If you do it correctly, your text direction will follow the path curvature.

Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop

Step 51

Make new layer above the text and then paint some shadows. Erase unneeded shadow using Eraser tool.

Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop

Step 52

Repeat the steps above to add more texts on the lens.

Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop

Step 53

The lens is currently appears flat. Nosotros demand to add together shadow to give it depth. Command/Ctrl-click lens basic shape to make new selection based on its shape. Make certain marquee tool is selected so hit down a few times to move the selection down.

Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop

Step 54

Make new selection and place it under the lens. Fill option with black. Deselect (Control/Ctrl + D) and then soften it using Gaussian Blur.

Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop

Footstep 55

Hit Command/Ctrl + T to perform transformation. Right click and select Warp. Pull lower right box.

Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop

Step 56

Warp transformation sometimes add together rough edges. To fix information technology, we demand to soften it again using Gaussian Blur. This time employ bigger radius.

Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop

Stride 57

Add layer mask and so paint lower correct corner of the shadow with blackness until information technology fades onto the camera base of operations.

Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop

Step 58

Draw a rectangle shape on lower right of the lens with color #e0f6fa. Actuate pen tool so click and drag its center acme side to add new indicate. Utilise Direct selection to select it and elevate it down until we get a curve.

Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop

Step 59

Add together some circles on left and correct side of the shape. Brand sure to set its mode to Add to Shape in the Selection Bar.

Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop

Add Gradient Overlay onto the layer shape.

Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop

Step 60

Rotate the shape 135°.

Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop

Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop

Step 61

Duplicate shape by pressing Command/Ctrl + J. Place it backside the original shape. Pull its eye point down. See picture beneath to see the consequence.

Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop

Step 62

Make new layer and then paint shadows on top of the duplicated shape.

Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop

Footstep 63

Make new layer again and put it behind the lens. Paint our previous shape shadow on the camera.

Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop

Step 64: View Finder

Describe a rounded rectangle with color #c7d4d5. Inside the shape, describe smaller rounded rectangle and prepare its mode to Decrease from Shape.

Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop

Double click layer to open up Layer Way dialog box. Add together Drop Shadow and Bevel and Emboss.

Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop

Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop

Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop

Step 65

Command/Ctrl-click shape and move the pick 3 pixels left and down. Make new layer and place information technology under the shape. Fill choice with black.

Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop

Footstep 66

Click Filter > Blur > Gaussian Blur to soften it.

Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop

Step 67

Brand new layer again. Activate castor tool with small brush size. Paint needed highlights and shadows. While painting this, make certain to call back that our lite source is in upper right corner of the canvas.

Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop

Step 68

Make new layer, this time place it on superlative of the shape. Paint subtle shadow inside the shape.

Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop

Step 69

Draw a small rectangle inside the frame. Set its color to #37383c.

Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop

Add layer way Inner Glow and Gradient Overlay.

Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop

Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop

Here's the upshot.

Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop

Step 70

Draw a small circle on center of the viewfinder with colour #e0e1e1. Reduce its Opacity and Fill to two% and 90%. With these settings, the circle seems to be inside the viewfinder glass.

Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop

Step 71

Make new layer. Paint subtle shadows and highlights inside the viewfinder glass. Utilise very soft brush with low Opacity, no more than than 5%. Remember, nosotros want it to be very subtle.

Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop

Step 72

Activate the viewfinder glass. In Layers panel, double click it to open up Layer Styles dialog box. Activate Bevel and Emboss and Gradient Overlay.

Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop

Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop

Pace 73

Employ aforementioned technique to draw another viewfinder on left and right side of the camera.

Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop

For the left side, y'all tin simply duplicate the first viewfinder and resize information technology.

Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop

Footstep 74

Draw a black rounded rectangle on tiptop of the small viewfinder.

Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop

Add together Bevel and Emboss.

Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop

Reduce Fill up layer to 0%.

Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop

Step 75

Double click layer to open Layer Style dialog box again. Activate Layer Mask Hides Effects.

Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop

Step 76

Click Add Layer Mask icon to add layer mask and and then left side of the shape with blackness. We desire the Bevel effect fades onto left side of the camera trunk.

Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop

Footstep 77

Make new layer. Command/Ctrl-click shape to make new option based on its shape. Fill it with black.

Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop

Step 78

Hit Control/Ctrl + D to deselect. Click Filter > Mistiness > Gaussian Mistiness to soften the blackness pixels.

Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop

Step 79

Hit Command/Ctrl + T to transform the shadow. Right click and select Warp. Pull down lower area.

Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop

Stride 80

Select upper shadow and so hit Delete key. Reduce its Opacity to xl%.

Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop

Step 81

Command/Ctrl-click shape we have made in Step 74. Make new layer and so click Edit > Stroke. Set its color to white.

Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop

Step 82

Soften the stroke past applying Gaussian Blur.

Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop

Step 83

Erase some of stroke line.

Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop

Footstep 84: Depict Switch

Draw a circumvolve shape with colour #bcb4ac. Add together a polygon path on top of it with mode Add to Path.

Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop

Add Layer Style Drop, Bevel and Emboss, and Gradient Overlay.

Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop

Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop

Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop

Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop

Footstep 85

On top of the shape, depict a circle with color: #87a0a8.

Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop

Add Driblet Shadow, Outer Glow, and Bevel and Emboss with following settings.

Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop

Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop

Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop

Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop

Step 86

Draw bigger circumvolve, this time with color #9eb8bd. Place backside both previous shapes.

Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop

Double click layer shape to open Layer Way dialog box. Actuate Driblet Shadow and Gradient Overlay.

Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop

Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop

Footstep 87

Make new layer and paint subtle shadow behind the dial.

Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop

Step 88

Draw a circle, smaller than the previous one.

Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop

Add together Bevel and Emboss

Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop

Step 89

Make new layer and then manually paint highlights on the circle.

Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop

Describe another highlight on the smaller circle.

Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop

Step 90

Make new layer and make circular pick covering top of the circumvolve shape. Fill information technology with black and so click Filter > Racket > Add Noise.

Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop

Click Filter > Blur > Radial Mistiness and select Spin for its mistiness method.

Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop

Stride 91

Change layer's blend way to Screen and reduce its Opacity.

Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop

Beneath is the consequence in 100% magnification.

Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop

Step 92

Draw a small circle with colour #ccc6bf. Add Drib Shadow, Inner Glow, Inner Shadow, and Gradient Overlay with following settings.

Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop

Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop

Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop

Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop

Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop

Step 93

Indistinguishable the shape by pressing Command/Ctrl + J. hit Control/Ctrl + T to resize information technology. Repeat this process a few times.

Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop

Step 94

Draw two pocket-size dark circles shape on the dial. Add together following Layer Styles.

Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop

Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop

Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop

Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop

Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop

Footstep 95

Make new layer and place information technology under the set up of circles. Apply soft castor tool to paint soft shadow on the camera torso.

Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop

Footstep 96

Repeat this process to depict another switch on the camera.

Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop

Pace 97: Screw

Draw a pocket-sized circle shape with color #cbd6d8. Add together Inner Shadow.

Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop

Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop

Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop

Step 98

Draw smaller circle shape with color #c8d5d8. Add rectangle path with path mode Subtract. To convert it into a screw nosotros need to add following Layer Styles.

Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop

Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop

Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop

Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop

Step 99

Make new layer and and then manually pigment subtle highlight on the screw.

Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop

Step 100

Apply same techniques to draw a dark screw.

Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop

Step 101

Make below switch using combinations of techiques that nosotros accept learnt earlier.

Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop

Pace 102

Depict a circumvolve with colour #2c383a.

Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop

Step 103

Draw a ring shape with colour #e4e0e4. To practice this, you just need to describe a circle and add together smaller circle inside information technology and ready its way to Subtract. Add Drop Shadow and Bevel and Emboss with following settings.

Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop

Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop

Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop

Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop

Stride 104

Command/Ctrl-click ring shape to make a new selection based on its shape. Click Select > Alter > Contract to reduce the option size.

Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop

Step 105

Make new layer and and then fill choice with black. Hitting Control/Ctrl + D to deselect.

Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop

Pace 106

Add Gaussian Blur filter to soften information technology.

Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop

Step 107

Erase some of the line stroke using soft eraser tool.

Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop

Pace 108

Make new layer. Command/Ctrl-click band shape and click Edit > Stroke. Set its colour to white.

Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop

Step 109

Erase some of the white lines.

Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop

Step 110

Draw a pocket-size circle inside the ring shape. Set its color to #bfd4d9. Add post-obit Layer Styles.

Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop

Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop

Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop

Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop

Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop

Step 111

Make new layer and and then paint highlight on the shape. Convert layer to Clipping Mask by pressing Control/Ctrl + Alt + M.

Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop

Footstep 112

Brand new layer and paint some highlights and shadows on superlative of the shape.

Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop

Step 113

Draw a modest circle shape with colour #646a68. Add Gradient Overlay and Inner Shadow.

Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop

Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop

Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop

Step 114

Describe smaller circumvolve shape with color #bfd4d9. Add together a rectangle path on its centre and set its style to Subtract. Add together Drop Shadow, Bevel and Emboss, and Gradient Overlay.

Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop

Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop

Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop

Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop

Footstep 115: Draw Speed Dials

Draw a rounded rectangle behind the photographic camera and add Gradient Overlay.

Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop

Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop

Step 116

Make new layer on top of the shape. Gear up foreground colour to black then pigment random shadow using soft brush. Convert layer to Clipping Mask.

Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop

Stride 117

Make a new file with canvas size half dozen × half-dozen pixels.

Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop

Step 118

Zoom in to maximum using zoom tool. Activate pencil tool with brush size 1 px. Draw beneath pattern using simply blackness, white, and gray color.

Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop

Step 119

Click Edit > Define Pattern to relieve the paradigm every bit a design.

Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop

Footstep 120

Make new layer. Identify layer right above the punch shape. Draw a selection covering the camera punch. Click Edit > Fill. Activate Apply: Design. Select pattern we accept just made earlier.

Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop

Step 121

Convert layer to Clipping Mask by pressing Command/Ctrl + Alt One thousand. Change layers blend mode to Overlay and reduce its Opacity.

Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop

Stride 122

Draw a rectangle backside the Speed Punch with color #5c6c6b. Add together Layer Mode Inner Glow.

Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop

Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop

Step 123

Make new layer. Describe some highlights and shadows on new layer.

Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop

Step 124

Depict a rectangle with colour: #5c6c6b. Click the middle its upper and lower side to add new points. Select both new points and motion them up.

Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop

Step 125

Make new layer and then convert information technology to Clipping Mask. Click Edit > Make full, select Use: Pattern and select pattern we take fabricated before.

Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop

Stride 126

Set blend mode to Overlay with Opacity forty%.

Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop

Stride 127

Make new layer. Activate large brush tool and and so pigment some highlights and shadows. Catechumen layer to Clipping Mask. This way, all the highlights and shadows go within the shape.

Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop

Step 128

Draw a rectangle behind previous shape with color #627c82. Make new layer and and then convert it to Clipping Mask. Pigment some highlights and shadows.

Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop

Stride 129

Pigment subtle shadow under the speed dial.

Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop

Stride 130

Add more realism to the shape by painting stronger highlight.

Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop

Step 131

Depict a thin rectangle. Brand new layer and paint small highlight and shadow within the shape. Catechumen the layer into a Clipping Mask.

Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop

Stride 132: Shutter

Depict a rectangle with color #727f80. Click half of its upper and lower side to add new points. Pull the right side down using Direct Choice tool. Run into picture below for reference.

Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop

Step 133

Make new layer and and then activate a small soft castor with Hardness 0%. Draw some blackness lines on elevation of the shape. Soften the lines by calculation Gaussian Blur. Convert the layer to Clipping Mask by pressing Command/Ctrl + Alt + G.

Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop

Pace 134

Earlier, we have paint shadows. At present, permit'southward working on its highlight. Practise the same thing, only this time use white for the color.

Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop

Stride 135

Zoom closer and draw 1 px white line on upper and lower side.

Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop

Pace 136

Draw a dark rectangle behind the shape.

Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop

Footstep 137

On its tiptop, draw a rounded rectangle with color #7a8d91 to be used for the camera shutter.

Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop

Footstep 138

Make a new layer and then paint white random lines. Soften them using Gaussian Blur. Convert layer to Clipping Mask.

Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop

Stride 139

Draw a rounded rectangle. Apply same techniques to add together highlight and shadows onto the shape.

Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop

Step 140

Describe another rounded rectangle, this time thinner, then make new layer. Paint its highlight and shadow.

Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop

Footstep 141

Draw a rounded rectangle with color #737e7f. Add layer mask and so paint blackness on its right until information technology fades onto the shape behind it. See film below for reference on its position.

Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop

Pace 142

Repeat techniques we have learnt earlier to paint its highlight and shadow.

Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop

Footstep 143: Add More than Highlights

Our current camera is all the same besides flat. If you look everything closely, you will notice that there is no perfect lighting in real life. There are e'er random lite reflections everywhere. So, that'south what nosotros're going to practice. Add highlight onto our camera. Make new layer and and so actuate brush tool with 0% Hardness. Manually paint white highlight on some elements on the photographic camera.

Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop

Below you can see the departure before and after calculation the highlights. Y'all can come across this subtle divergence really adds more than realism onto the object.

Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop

Footstep 144: Shadow

Brand new layer and then put it nether the photographic camera. Use soft brush to draw camera shadow on the floor.

Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop

Footstep 145

Remember that we demand more shadow nether the lens.

Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop

Step 146

Paint night shadow right behind the camera. Make sure to match its direction with our low-cal source position. Paint lighter shadow farther away from the photographic camera. Make certain to do this patiently until the shadow fades perfectly onto the flooring.

Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop Draw a Leica Camera in Photoshop

Terminal Prototype

Below is the final result. I hope you learn something new from this tutorial. If you have whatever questions, feel gratis to inquire in the comment form below. I'd exist glad to help you.

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